Two Person Dome Tent Modern 32mm ***Massively Upgraded***

Two Person Dome Tent Modern 32mm ***Massively Upgraded***


***************************************************************************************************** ***Massively Updated*** I was unhappy with the remix, but it still seemed better than what I was finding for a modern style of a tent. Most being the standard triangular tent, obviously made from sticks and roughly stitched hides and leather. ...which is rather useless when you need terrain for modern setting, and specifically a campground. I am leaving the remix file, but the new tent is so much better, but still a work in progress, as I need to learn more of blender, to upgrade it further, in the ways I want. New 2 person tent is not a remix of the previous tent. I have two versions, a single piece version, with a floor, but plain, and detailed, and the better version, in my opinion, with a separate floor, so miniatures can easily be placed inside the tent, and it is far easier to print and paint. both have options for a plain and basic floor, and can be used without a floor at all. The detailed floors, have two sleeping bags, and a camp lantern. *************************************************************************************************** I remixed this into a 32mm Miniature Terrain piece, needing a modernish style tent, and mostly finding STL's for Fantasy style tents.



