IKEA Tretur

IKEA Tretur


<h1>Background</h1> IKEA Tretur comes in five different sizes. I have used 80cm and 140cm. I only use the 5v 28BYJ-48 due to the price and the ability to run them of a 5v battery. - <h2>80cm:</h2> Works with one 5v 28BYJ-48 stepper motor. - <h2>140cm:</h2> Needs two 5v 28BYJ-48 stepper motors. I have put one on each side to still be able to use the plastic protector and not to mae it too big. The logic is palced in the center, hidden behind the blind (needs ~15mm space). The battery can be placed next to the logic. All cables can are hidden. <h1>BOM</h1> - 5v 28BYJ-48. - ULN2003A based driver card (maybe another for the dual motor set up, one motor draws ~0,2A the driver board is rated to 0,5A). - NodeMCU - Bearing, 608ZZ (8x22x7mm). Not needed if alter the big gear (part coming soon). - 5v USB battery. <h1>TODO</h1> - Sensor to detect when the blind is in top position (bottom position will have to be calibrated). - Placement of the battery. - Complete the SW (maybe use a STM32WL). - Still evaluating if a better gearing ratio can work (now 38/23).






