PEX Valve Box - Half Inch

PEX Valve Box - Half Inch


Box is 150mm x 150mm x 150 mm outer dimensions. Inner dimensions are 140 x 140 x 140mm. Holes are 25mm. [6"x6"x6" Outer and just under 1" for the holes]. Ideally this box can support up to a 300lbs person stepping on it briefly. Untested on that. Printed in PLA @ 0.6mm nozzle. I designed this to accommodate a PEX Sharbite tee for an underground garden hose line. This will accommodate a 1/2" PEX tube, and likely up to a 3/4" PEX line. The holes are oversized. I am also working on a few other versions of this to accommodate different joints such as a 90 degree joint that goes up above ground. V1.1 update: T is now open, so it can slide in from the bottom. Weight tested: Sustained a 200lbs person standing with all weight on top of it for 5 min. Didn't break. Printed with PLA @ 0.6mm nozzle. Images of prints added



