Ender 5 plus 3kg spool mount & brace (in standard location)

Ender 5 plus 3kg spool mount & brace (in standard location)


This mount was designed to fit a 3kg spool onto a standard Ender 5 plus with very little free space around it. It was designed from the beginning to not increase the footprint of the printer whilst still providing a good filament path and printability. As can be seen in the first image the extruder has been moved to the opposite side of the X motor, this is to straighten the filament path, reducing the chances of snags or breakages. Moving it was as simple as removing 2 bolts and using a tie wrap to tidy up the cables. Hardware wise the mount uses: 2 M5 nylock nuts 2 M5x20 or x30 depending on the mount 6 M5 Tnuts 6 M5x10 flanged cap head bolts The long versions of the parts add an extra 10mm horizontally for if you have even bigger spools then the 3kg esun ones I have not printed and tested these so your results may vary. I have included the file for extended spool roller from user Lopez2219 as it is what I designed the mount and support brace to use, full credit for that file goes to him : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4580739 If you do decide to print his file then I found that filing the corners of the twist lock so it is slightly spiralled will help it to engage better, and assist in tightening.



