Planter V2: The Bog Garden

Planter V2: The Bog Garden


With my first planter design, I needed something that would be light, mobile, and work well with my carnivorous plants. I initially wanted to print a large 2-part, self-watering potter. I noticed after printing, that the insert required a LOT of post-processing (mostly due to my printer settings). The outer shell also didnt print correctly and ruined the upper 1/3 of the Z-axis. So, while I was working on My V1 planter, I decided that the self-watering, planter-within-a-planter design just wouldn't work for my needs. The 2nd planter would not suffer from the friction issue, as the structure will not be moving. Instead, I would design my planter around the traditional Bog Garden layout: A planter with a central resevoir that can be filled to slowly distribute water throughout the planter. The V1 insert has many holes for faster water diffusion, while V2 is 3 layers of 6 holes in a hexagonal distribution. The V3 insert is a cone shape. I got a little paranoid that I wouldn't have enought width for the root structures so I made a tapered insert as a backup plan. I really wanted a cylindrical bottom about a thrid of the height before tapering in a transition into a chimeny-like cylinder. In my limited Fusion360 experience, "LOFT" was the closest I could find for a quick and dirty fix. I am always up fir suggestions! I also halved the drainaged holes. We'll see when the components are printed. From my experience with my original bog garden (a faux-wood barrel with a perforated planter in the center), a lot of water is lost to evaporation (which gets expensive if you're buying distilled water). For this design, I decided a lid would be the best way to limit evaporation. *Please let me know if you want/make a snap-on or screw-on lid. I haven't quite mastered threading/snap-fitting in CAD yet. With the lid closed, theres no way to know what the water level is at, so i also designed a hollow level bobber that will stick up through a hole in the lid, and being boyant, will rise and fall with the water level,



