Three-Dragon Ante Replacement Box Insert

Three-Dragon Ante Replacement Box Insert


The box insert that came with Three-Dragon Ante was really annoying me. No matter how I tried, the bag of coins lifted the lid and made the box really awkward to deal with. So, I put together this replacement insert. I have provided both the full insert file and a pair of pre-cut ones that fit onto more printer beds more easily. I improved the reach-in notches in the card bays with deeper divots to allow a finger to get under the cards. The top two center slots are for the gold-piece tokens; they can be put in either way. The next slot is for the platinum tokens. The bottom slot is for the 3DA ability disks. If using the two files, I recommend a thorough sanding-down of the joining faces so they fit nicely together. To adhere them, I used IPS Weld-On 3 Acrylic Plastic Cement, which works great. Any adhesive you prefer will work fine too, though. The files even work nicely just sitting in the box, unglued at all. Enjoy!



