Nemox Lux single dose conversion

Nemox Lux single dose conversion


Some parts to mod the Nemox Lux grinder for single dosing with low grounds retention. The total retained amount of grounds is now around 1.5g down from ~7g with the original Setup. Deviation (weight of beans in to grounds out) normally around +/- 0.1g. Print the ground scraper with alt least 5 wall lines and a good amount of infill. It has to support a lot of pressure from the bottom burrs set screw. The washer goes under the grounds scraper to offset it from the grind chamber floor. I recommend printing it completely solid. Beware that using this might damage your ginders burrs if not used correctly. You will need to recalibrate your burr touching point after installation! Beware that opening up your grinder might expose you to open electric circuits. Only attempt this mod if you really know what you do! Always unplug the grinder before working on the grind chamber or exposing any internal conductors!



