Turntable Stands for Technics SL-10 (Similar to Technics SH-B10)
This is a replica to the SH-B10 Stands, it was only based on images and measurements on the actual turntable, so it is not 1:1 identical. However it looks good and fits nice. Printing: The part is pretty huge, i am providing a 2-piece version for smaller printers and a whole version of it for big printers, or if you want to split it differently. I recommend using a 0.8mm nozzle or similar to reduce printing time. Infill is down to you, the part is holding the load easily. (--> Focus on visual quality on your printer) Building it: You need 4 of the supplied inserts, they dont need to be glued, they just hold in the stand by themselfes. --> I also added 4 felt pieces under each stand - recommend! I hope you enjoy this part. Makes and Comments are absolutely appreciated.