Einhorn striker pack for Windam

Einhorn striker pack for Windam


This is a WIP. Will update it with full instructions and parts may not fit, will remove this once all checks have been done. This was made using the 1/144 Windam backpack reference, see link below. You can use the reference yourself to make your own backpack. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4843865 Story time Developed as a ship and bucker-buster the Einhorn striker was a large Positron Blaster Cannon for a mobile suit if small compared to its ship or fortification counterpart. There is currently no known active deployments of this backpack with all examples being placed into deactivated status during the Second Alliance-PLANT War and scraped shortly after the wars' conclusion, there is currently no known surviving examples, bovington is making a non-functioning replica for their display(citation needed) Technology & Combat Characteristics Unusual for a mobile suit weapon the backpack folds over the chest of the suit when deployed rather than being shoulder or arm mounted this is to reduce recoil by keeping it in line with the rear thruster. This would obstruct the pilots hatch, so in normal operation it would be stored to the rear of the suit, however if it became jammed or damaged in the firing position it would require the use of explosive bolts to remove the cannon. This should be done with the cannon facing away from anything valuable and be done by another mobile suit if available, if not the ground crew are provided with a very long USB cable for manual release. The training manual stats that “due to the size and weight of the cannon it's not advised to be used on MA or MS but rather ships and fortifications, it is advised not to be used in the infantry support role due to large minimum safe distance and the amount of radiation produced per shot.”(1) however the autobiography of Lucia Nels Frederiksen (2), a test pilot who worked on the project, said that the targeting system was more than capable of engaging mobile suits and tanks and during test did do so. The backpack its self-contained a type 4 nuclear power plant, a derivative of the Ultracompact Nuclear Fission Reactor from Justice that was revise engineered from the plans provide to the Alliance by its pilot Athrun Zala {Disputed}. This reactor provided 8826 kW, all of which was used to power the cannon with the suits' battery being on a different system(2) this was due to a power factor issue that could not be compensated for with the limited space within the suit or backpack. A MK2 of Einhorn striker had a larger backpack to allow the necessary power convertors to be installed but was still under development when the project was cancelled. History The development of the Einhorn striker started in January CE73 with the first production units reaching front line units in September of that year (2) with the 506th Joint Fighter Wing, part of 7th fleet becoming the first unit to report ready to deploy with the 502nd Joint Fighter Wing and 501st Joint Fighter Wing following shortly afterwords. With the start of the Second Alliance-PLANT War saw the deactivation of all (name to worked out at some point) units. This was due to fears of the Neutron Stampeder being used to destroy any unit with a nuclear power plant, all backpacks were destroyed after the war to comply with the alliance treaty obligations. The end.







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