Spindle power supply cover
I am currently building a diy dremel cnc and i must say that it is very well designed. However, I decided to use the 500W spindle instead of a dremel, and when I received it from banggood I was kind of amazed that there wasn't any cover for the back of the power supply. The contacts are completely open and a unaware person could easily accidentally touch the 230V AC contacts and electrocute themself. Thats why I decided to design a nice cover for this power supply with also room for a on off switch. I designed it in Autodesk Inventor and after a quick prototype I designed the V2 with text on the back and a hole for a on off switch (Ali Expres link beneath). It fits very nicely, There is a hole to screw it to the side of the power supply and the sticking out part inside the cover is supposed to go over the screw which is used to ground the power supply and spindle. If you have questions about the design or how to mount it to the power supply you can leave a comment and I will try to answer as soon as possible On off switch: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005001496997207.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.635c4c4dUfMo4c