PiKVM R4C3R Low Profile PCIe bracket mount for RPi Zero W

PiKVM R4C3R Low Profile PCIe bracket mount for RPi Zero W


This is a PCIe bracket on which a PiKVM setup can be fixed based on a Raspberry Pi Zero W + Lusya HC100 Ver:A01 HDMI to CSI bridge + 3cmx7cm pcb with ATX power on/off + reset. Check out the awesome PiKVM project at https://pikvm.org/ There are several different versions of the Lusya board, I used the Blackupgrade version: 45x30mm (the same width as PI ZERO, the same two holes), which can be found here: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4000102166176.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4deJpKzB The bracket can be mounted to the mounting plate with 3mm x 6mm or 8mm countersunk head screws. The RPi Zero and Lusya HDMi-CSI bridge can be mounted with 2.5mm x 6mm cylinder head screws. The PCB can be mounted with 2mm x 6mm cylinder head screws. I take the 5V power from the 5V Stanndby power of the ATX powersupply. Check how much power you power supply can supply before tapping into it. Many power supplies nowadays support 5V @ 3A which is more than enough to power the RPi Zero + electronics. I used this adapter to tap into the 5V Standby Power from the ATX power supply. Just cut the appropriate cable and insert the terminal block in between. https://de.aliexpress.com/item/10000367688781.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dDT1NAo When connecting the USB to the micro USB to the internal USB make sure NOT to connect the 5V power from the from the USB cable in order to avoid backpowering the RPi zero. But this is also in the PiKVM instructions on the PiKVM website. I used a standard 3cmx7cm standard prototype pcb, which can be found here https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000817854796.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.3a087129ZeLLTy&algo_pvid=1a7b8f10-9118-4432-b04f-de4ced2a20ad&algo_expid=1a7b8f10-9118-4432-b04f-de4ced2a20ad-1&btsid=2100bde316218808073943389ecbc8&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ I used the VO617A optocouplers to create the connection to the ATX power & reset buttons as well as the LED power & hdd signal. This is a work in progress






