3 blade folding prop printed spinner

3 blade folding prop printed spinner


Spinner for folding propeller used for model aircraft gliders. This spinner is made to be used in conjunction with Aeronaut CAM folding propellers, having 8mm wide hub and 3mm prop shaft. The motor shaft can be 3-3.2mm or 4mm (requires drilling after printing) If you decide to print the blade use 1mm shell and 100% infill. Print spanwise so the leading edge touches the printing table, minimal supports will be needed It is secured to the motor via two lateral screws so irrequires 2un M3 nuts and 4un M3x16mm bolts to be completed. Insert nuts from the bottom. Torque the M3 bolts against the motor shatf to their maximum. Print at 35% infill and 1.6mm wall, PLA or PETG, 0.12mm layer. Make sure you understand this part may cause injury to people, including your self, or damage to property and you are the only liable person for its use.







R/C Vehicles
