Front bar brackets

Front bar brackets


Finally got around to fixing the non-parallel y-axis linear rod problem. The Bigbox frame has a design flaw in that acrylic will warp over time and the lack of frame support in the front will lead to the front of the frame warping inwards. This is caused by x-axis belt tension and x-axis rod distance. You may have noticed black grease forming on one of the y-axis rods overtime caused by ball bearings grinding into the rod. I used a 1 & 1/2in (~39mm) by 1/4in (~7mm) steel flat bar and attached using some quickly modeled brackets. This bracket pushes the frame back into the correct position and allows the y-axis rods to remain parallel during operation. I would suggest following the commissioning instructions for the y-axis: Make sure that the x-axis belt is off/loose. Use the distance between the REAR parallel y-axis as a reference to set the length of the flat steel bar in the front. The length of the bar that I needed for my Bigbox was ~ 393mm but yours will mostly likely be different. Use a reversible hand clamp (seen in the images) to push and hold the front of the bigbox frame into the correct position, as measured from equally distanced y-axis linear rods(back to front). Then measure internal length of the frame shown in the Thingiverse image gallery and subtract 5mm from EACH side (the width of the bracket). The length calculated with be the length of steel bar that is need. I had to cut my bar to size. I hope this helps someone who still has a BigBox and always wondered why they has issues maintaining good motion on the y-axis.



