LED Lamp , motion sensor
Night lamp with motion sensor. Very simple assembly. Parts : 3D case, RCWL-0518 sensor (new type without protruding LDO chip), strawhat 8mm LED green, N-Mosfet, resistor 56-220ohm, old phone charger. Add a 100nF C-TM SMD capacitor to sensor for 30sec timeout. Any N-Mosfet could be used if it opens at 3V VGS, SOP-8 type is preferred. Smaller SMD Mosfets work as well, but too fragile and difficult to handle. The resistor should be 220ohm if the charger voltage is more than 5V or for less light, default value is 56 ohm. Finished assembly should be very flat, the lid lays tight on it. Older versions of the sensor module have a separate LDO chip which may not fit in this case (not tested). Sensor range 4-5m. I have not used the photoresistor, the consumption is so low that for me it may light up during the day.