Planetside 2 Desktop Spitfire Turret

Planetside 2 Desktop Spitfire Turret


I was bored one day and decided to CAD up a spitfire turret. Then I realized I might as well put in an old servo and an Arduino I had lying around and here we are. It's designed to house an Arduino Pro Micro soldered to an SG90 micro servo where the servo sits facing downward and is attached to the tripod with one long screw (I used a 16mm M2 machine screw). I put a bit of code on it so it would sweep back and forth every 5 seconds, nothing fancy. I made a video demonstrating the turret here: Be sure to look at the parts list I included that details all of the parts and how many you need so that you don't forget to print multiple of some parts (like the feet pads or the back legs) and the gun, body, and side thing just need to be duplicated and mirrored to fit on the other side but they are otherwise identical.






