FGC-68 MKII 3d printable Charging Handle Assembly
there are 2 versions of this Charging Handle Assembly. one were you still would need some glue to place the charging handle piece on. with this version a regular FGC9 Charging Handle design can be used. and a M3 Bolt version the parts of this are included so you only need 1 one long M3 bolt. to finish this pice. also keep in mind that this design only works for the FGC68! not the FGC6(S) this is a pure lie cosmetic piece on the FGC68 so no hay spring pressure is need to make this Charging Handle Assembly work. just enough to push the assembly back forward. after slapping the thing! haha spring size: OD 7mm, wire 0.5mm, length 115mm Movie link to MKII update on the project https://odysee.com/@UntangleWORKS:a/FGC68MKII-update-and-installation-and-tips:a How do I assemble the FGC-68? for parts look at the parts list PDF that can be found in the FGC-68 starter kit to actually see how to do it whats this link. https://youtu.be/M_1AAlgVm-4 some tips disassemble the FGC68 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDRv5jwRReA a introduction to the FGC68 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R810PSNJvA a playlist to relevant things for the FGC68. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVTi8DENyyvxTFzWGHSCEAj-XqR4OtClv The FGC-68 in action https://youtu.be/ha6UEfNO95k