4 - Way Backpack Clasp

4 - Way Backpack Clasp


So I got this idea from this guy: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1047554 But this is a clasp meant for a backpack or something like it, where you use your fingers to disengage the locks. Please go easy on me, while I have experience, this is the first real project that I've worked on (3D modeling wise). To attach the pieces, use epoxy or some other adhesive technique to get the plates on the main body, and print two clips, one flipped so it can be the other side. If you have any suggestions or questions let me know! Also, I suggest when putting the pieces together, epoxy the edges where they sit, and then get some scrap wood blocks and place it in the middle to disperse the force, then put the whole thing in a vice, so it will clamp the pieces together, then let it cure. P.S. The scale fits a 1" to 1.5" strap with some wiggle space






