Happy Monoprice MP Select Mini Spool Holder

Happy Monoprice MP Select Mini Spool Holder


UPDATED 11.02.21: The old version broke. I remeasured, did a bunch of test fits and after a month of printing on my two machines, I'm very happy with the new model. This is remixed from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2535696 and http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3656101 I wanted to put them in the "Remix" section, but I guess it's not working right now. I'll try again later and update the post when I am successful. I'm sure you want you 3D printer to be as happy to see you are you are to see it. This remixed spool holder has a rigid upper to encourage easy filament ejaculation, a slight angle to keep the spool near the printer, and a tight mount that one can work until it feels just right on your printer. I wanted it not to wiggle during my printer's thrusting. Naturally NSFW video: https://imgur.com/gallery/GDcPOEY Works great. It's left me satisfied for months. For external use only. XD



