Railcore II Cable management, Toolboard Enclosure for Hemera.

Railcore II Cable management, Toolboard Enclosure for Hemera.


These are additions I made to my Railcore II printer. Included is a cable management system, a Hemera toolboard.BLTouch mount and Duet Filamant Monitor mount. These are made to mount to the Mandela Rose Works Hemera Mount and Idlers. I had to mofify the MRW Idlers by drilling an additional hole in each, 18mm in from the outer corner of each idler and then used standard Gates Idlers and 10mm spacers to replace the Magnum idlers I was using. This is to allow room for the Toolboard case as it hits the Magnum Idlers in the front left corner without this change. I have also included two Idler mounts I designed that will work, including STEP files. I think I have included all STLs and STEP files if you would like to modify any items. I have not included the paneldue enclosure or the non top enclosure modified support rails as they are already on Thingiverse. If you notice anything missing please let me know in the comments area. Everything was printed with ABS to better stand up the the heat in the enclosure. Additional items needed include a 7X7mm cable chain. I got mine on Amazon but I'm sure you can find them multiple places. One cable chain will do both sections needed. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073TCJ9P7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I had actually ordered two different 7X7mm chains and am not sure which one I ended up using. There can be small dimensional differences in them. The ones I used measure 13.2mmX10mm so if the ones you order are different you may need to adjust the cable chain holder dimensions in the model. I used a 1/2" X 3/4" aluminum extrusion from the local hardware store for the horizontal chain guide that runs the length of the Y rail. I cut mine to 13 1/4"



