Ender 3 X-Gantry left mount base

Ender 3 X-Gantry left mount base


This is a little cap that goes over the rounded metal on the left side of the X-gantry of a Ender3 (when looking from the front), pointing at the rear. It doesn't provide any means to attach something to it yet, I made it and need it to fix the little cable that feeds the DS18B20 thermo sensor behind the extruder. Would be the logical mount point for a cam monitoring the extruder and filament runout sensor, should I ever want that. It is a variant of the [Ender 3 X-Gantry Right Mount for Cam](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4865109) which can [hold a cam](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4870271) Added a graph of typical temperatures for extruder (blue) stepper modules on the mainboard (red) and exhaust air at the puwer supply (green) here in response to a comment. And replaced the .stl as I discovered it had the wrong model at first.



