Worx / Yardworks Flame light

Worx / Yardworks Flame light


Flame light base and parts list to convert 120V Edison screw bulb to Worx or Yardworks Battery pack. I recommend setting the Buck converter board to 11V for light longevity. A Battery protection Board must be used to protect the battery from over discharge. This setup is rated at 2 amps max (Makita battery protection board), the light draws 200mA at the battery. To assemble, I just shrink wrapped the buck converter board to the battery protection board with a piece of plastic between them (electrical tap can be used but it might smell like a vinyl swimming pool in summer when it gets warm) and shoved them down the centre of the light.The top cap is glued on but it is also optional. The terminal stick out should be 12mm (1/2inch), I drilled a hole in my terminals to give the adhesive something to grab. Parts list: Flame light: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07GKXSDNR Buck converter board, LM2596: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07JNQFV7F battery protection board, GM00001029: https://www.ereplacementparts.com/pcb-p-80464.html Hook up wire, I used 18 ga. silicone insulated Two copper pieces 6mm (1/4") X 30mm (1 3/16") X 0.72mm(0.028", 22 ga.) some type of adhesive like super glue or epoxy The hardest piece to find is the battery protection board, Milwaukee doesn't sell one but Makita does (Both are same voltage). I got mine from ereplacment parts but should be available from other tool repair parts dealers. If your feeling adventurous I attached the gerber file(circuit board design file) and a BOM (bill of materials) for a battery protection board. Just use a service like JLCPCB, click order now, add the ZIPPED gerber file (Drill Battery Protection Board.zip), select the quantity, colour, leave all other setting at the default value, add to cart and the rest is a normal online order. For a drill battery (5 cell) use a 330 Kohm resistor in the "adj." spot. The board can handle 10 Amps with a heat shink on the mosfet (limited by track thickness of board), adjust the blue potentiometer so it shuts off at 15 volts. I added a spot for two resistors if you prefer that, they should add up to around 62 Kohms but could vary depending on the tolerance of the components.





