Pro Patria Vigilans Stencil - 1/8" Thickness
This design can be use as a stencil or a placard. The intended use was to be used as a stencil. This symbol above the text is a military map symbol for the United States Army Signal Corp. The below latin text, "Pro Patria Vigilans" is the Signal Corp Motto. The .stl file has been revised for a 1/8" or 0.125 thinkness. and takes about 8.5 hours at standard quality on the Ender 3 Max. I would suggest using rafts as the pointy end of the triangle in the symbol has issues adhering to the bed most of the times. The pelican case picture attached is an example of how well it came out. Most of the over spray was caused due to the curling of the triangle and the angle on how I held the spray paint when spaying. A raft should solve that. In reality, I like how the spray passed through the stencil. It gives it that military ammo crate spray on look. Typically, the map symbol would be a rectangle with the jagged line in the middle. To make this stencil 1 piece, brackets were needed to hold it together.