Ragyō Kiryūin v0.4i

Ragyō Kiryūin v0.4i


DISCLAIMER: I DID NOT CREATE THIS MODEL. THE TALENTED ARTISTS AT ARC SYSTEM WORKS AND APLUS CO., LTD DID. I TAKE ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIT FOR THIS WORK. PROPERTY OF ARC SYSTEM WORKS. USED WITHOUT PERMISSION. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source: KILL la KILL -IF there's a simplified nude ragyo that's almost done. i just have to rip another frame so i can import her arms. there's also another satsuki that just needs the mouth remodeled. i tried to leave this model as original as possible but i did have to remove the horizontal bevel running along her nose. the eye sockets were left alone to achieve the effect i'm guessing the developer had in mind. i can still go over the coat and maybe smooth out the hair. there are poles directly above her nipples but smoothing them will never be perfect even with additional edge loops. the accessory mid-way down her skirt was left out. i need to study some reference material before including it in the BLEND/STL. at 3xSS, ragyo weighs in at 120MB. she should be printable if you're an expert with supports. skew/rotation are both 100%. give me some feedback if you notice any errors or have some suggestions you think would improve this model.






