Ender 3v2 Orbiter extruder mount for V6 hot ends.

Ender 3v2 Orbiter extruder mount for V6 hot ends.


The "MBEDZ" Orbiter mount for the Creality Ender3v2. The idea was to make a mount that's easy to print, unobtrusive and pretty strong for its size. This mount should work with most of the "Fixed Block V6 Brackets" found on AliExpress. I don't know if it will work with the stock hot end without some spacers behind it, I'm using it with a Red Lizard hot end and Holdes 3D V6 fan upgrade kit. I printed mine from PETG and it came out well, I let Cura generate the support at 15% and it was quite easy to remove it with some side cutters. Materials and settings are up to you but I went for 0.2mm layers, 3 walls and 40% infill, printed with a brim. Assembly is quite simple: Remove hot end assembly. Remove the top nuts and bolts, rollers and spacers from the X-Axis hot end carriage. Insert the metal spacers into the large holes on the back of the Orbiter mount just a little (but make sure they will fit all the way through the hole before going any further). Fit the Orbiter mount over the top of the metal plate and reassemble the roller assembly. Don't forget to check the eccentric nut on the lower roller, make sure there is no play between the rollers before printing. If you have a Bed leveling probe fitted, back off the screw at the top of the bracket to allow the Orbiter mount to be pushed into place. Once installed, route your cabling through the guide using the post on the under side as a spot to zip-tie your cables. Insert your PTFE tube into the hot end and then cut it 11.5mm above the top surface of the mount. A few turns with a 4mm drill bit will help funnel the filament through into the tube. I hope this part helps a few people out there, the Orbiter extruder is a great upgrade for the Ender 3v2.



