Orqa strap retention spacer
I like my Orqa FPV.One goggles, but I hate how the strap constantly pops off of the bracket (especially on the battery side). A quick search shows that I'm not the only one. Most of the fixes I have seen involve replacing the entire bracket. I didn't want to open the goggles, and I already had TPU loaded, so I quickly designed in insert that blocks the gap in the bracket so the strap won't pop off. Inserting on the battery side was a bit difficult. First I put the strap in, then I worked the 3D printed spacer down but rotated 180 degrees (opening towards the goggles). I then rotated it twice so the opening is facing away from the goggles (as shown in the pictures). I figured this would take some work so that is why I chose TPU for the part. So far so good, I haven't had the strap pop off since installing these inserts.