Razor + Shaving Brush + Toothbrush Holder

Razor + Shaving Brush + Toothbrush Holder


***Summary:*** I created this model to help free up counter space next to my sink. I created this stand in 3 pieces to aid in printing and to allow for easy cleaning when necessary. Since the print will also undoubtedly get wet, I have also added the honeycomb pattern to the body to allow for easy drying. ***If the overhangs of the body are too much for your printer, I have also created a version in which the body can be printed in two parts (find the "2 Part Body" STL's in the files)*** ***Printing:*** (Please ignore the rough print quality in my photo. I am currently dealing with a cracked extruder arm) Infill: 20% (you could probably reduce this if you increased the walls) Layer height: 0.2mm Print orientation: See the attached screenshot from my slicer. I found it best to print the top piece on its side, the base with its flat side down, and the body as it would normally stand. If you are using the two-piece body model, print the flat faces on the build plate. Supports: Only the top component to the stand needs support (Refer to my attached slicer photo if you would like to see how I printed mine).






