Universal Projector Legs

Universal Projector Legs


I recent bought a JIFAR projector (<a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085TDV9DW">link</a>) and felt as though the single kick stand leg wasn't enough to properly level and raise the projector. I created these universe legs and mounts to work for my projector, but they should work for any other projector who mount screws are within 9.5mm to 45mm of the edge of the projector (The legs would work on my BENQ MH530FHD, if I actually had a need for them.). The mounting hole is 4mm wide, to easily take a m4 screw. Uniscrew-46mm.stl - 46mm tall leg seen fully extended in image 6. Uniscrew-46mm.stl - 31mm tall leg seen fully extended in image 5. Unimount.stl - The mounting slot if from 9.5mm to 45mm from the edge of the projector. Unimount-smaller-mount-hole.stl - The mounting slot if from 27.5mm to 45mm from the edge of the projector. This work is a remix of <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1508588">3DWorkhorse</a> work, which is a remix of <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:339778">Daviepadilla</a> work. Why isn't the properly linked as a remix, because the "Remix Source Files" search is always broken for me and never find anything.






