3018 CNC Water Bath
I noticed that there were no water baths on here for the 3018 cnc machine, so I designed one. It comes in 4 pieces as it was designed to fit on my ender 3, if anyone needs the one piece stl then please message me. It is designed to fit on the Genmitsu CNC MDF Spoilboard that you can get from amazon. Once I had printed all four parts off, I glued them together with CA Glue and then filled in any gaps along the joins with silicone sealer. After leaving it 24 hours for the sealer to go off I then painted the whole thing in a few layers of Mod Podge as I had it lying around and its waterproof when dry. You can use any sealer you like but remember 3D prints tend to be porous by nature. Once finished your just attach it to the spoilboard, add another 2 or 3mm spoilboard to the stands inside the bath, add the material you wish to cut and fill with water. It worked a treat. Addition Parts needed... 8 x 6mmx12mm bolts 8 x 6mmx2mm O Rings