Da Baby Car - Da Drift Car
Warning: This is a work in progress. This is not a beginner project. The INAV setup was a pain. If you have spare RC parts and like memes then you've come to the right place but if you want a good RC car, this isn't what you're looking for. You'll need to follow the instructions from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4090091 for the electronics. The wheels made by Riodeluz are nicer than the ones I designed so you might want to download those too. I set mine on iNav to drive like a tracked vehicle following this tutoral: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9194OzsHOFc Parts used: > -4 1407 brushless motors (£27 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/vv3YobHrhA) > -1 30.5x30.5 F4 stack (£42 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/KDmRjsPpJ3) > -3D printed parts (PLA body + TPU wheels) > -4 M3 threaded inserts + 4 M3 bolts > -One 500 to 1500mAh 3S Lipo (These are usually £8 to £20) > -One receiver + Transmitter. If you don't already have a transmitter, one of the cheapest options is the FS i6x transmitter with an FS-A8S receiver. (£48 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3mDdoQPrrY) Print instructions: >-Print everything but the wheels in PLA or PETG >-Print the wheels in TPU >-Imbed M3 inserts into "Da Baby Car Right" and "Da Baby Car Left" >-Optional: To glue the two halves of the face together. There are a couple of small holes which you can use to align the halves by inserting short lengths of 1.75mm filament. >-Download the picture of the face and print it full size, on A3 paper. Then mirror the image again and print again. For full disclosure: there are some problems/design Flaws to be aware of: >-To access the Lipo (Plug in/unplug) you have to unscrew the bolts holding on the top part. >-The motors are way too powerful for this car. I've limited throttle to 25% in iNav to keep it controllable. >-It's honestly a terrible RC car. It's just for the memes. It drives and it is very fast, but it handles terribly and is very hard to control at high speeds. >-The Head is stronger than it needs to be and could be optimised to use less filament and print faster. (When some Thugs tried to steel DaBaby Car in from me, they kicked it around and ran it over with their bikes and it didn't break lol) >-The electronics are expensive if you don't already have a spares bin.