Micro SD card wall mount card holder

Micro SD card wall mount card holder


So here's the situation. I have my beloved Anet A6 printer standing in a wooden closet. This way it can do its métier in a warm and comfortable suroundings. Unfortunately, I have no computer nearby, so I need to feed my printer via the Micro SD card. But the slot is in a place that is not easy to reach. So I bought an extension cable. This works perfectly, but I wanted to have the slot nicely attached to the wall. So I created this holder. Printing was easy, but I needed to think of the best way to position in on my bed. The reason being that I did not want the hole to become filled with support material. So I put it upside down, and this worked out nicely. You still need supports, but they will keep out of the hole. The dimensions of the cable end are as follows: x = 25 mm y = 7 mm z = 33 mm The inner dimensions of the design are as follows: x = 25,5 mm y = 7,5 mm The outer dimensions of the design are as follows: x = 35 mm y = 24,46 mm z = 45 mm I used double sided tape to mount it to the wall.



