Kalita Wave 155 Filter Shape Retaining Container With Lid
I designed this container to ensure my Kalita Wave 155 filters retain their shape as the proper filter wall shape is critical to a proper Kalita brew. This container fits an entire 100 pack of filters just as they come when you buy them. Remove the bag and place them in the container. It will keep them clean and in the proper shape. If you don't keep your filters in a form-fitting container like this, they will spread out and become misshapen near the end of your stack, and those filters won't brew properly. Here's a tip: To avoid creasing or folding the filter when trying to remove one, try taking off of the BOTTOM of the stack as opposed to the top. Here’s a tutorial I made on my favorite way to use the Kalita Wave 155: https://youtu.be/lR3kWSJ0JuE Enjoy, and please give feedback if you share, use, or remix. Just print with 20% infill using your favorite PLA. No rafts or skirts or supports needed. Peace Out!