EFHW antenna case and winder for Ham radio

EFHW antenna case and winder for Ham radio


Winder and case for endfed half wave antenna for portable radio operation like SOTA or POTA. QRP version (about max. 50 W SSB, 25 W CW) with FT-114-43 torroid and enough space for thin 20 m wire (40/20/15/10 m band version). Wire needs to be tuned with antenna analyser. Start at about 20.5 m and foldback / cut to lenght until lowest VSWR at 7.1 MHz reached. Installation of antenna as inverted-V or sloper. Other (non-3d printed) parts needed: 1 x FT-114-43 torrorid 1 x BNC jack 1 x 0.6 mm enamel / magnetic wire 1 x 100 pF high voltage capacitory (I used: HCZ101KBCDF0) 20 m of antenna wire (I used 0.22mm² - that's about AWG #24) 4 x Small screws to close lid (1.5 mm diameter) Printing: Print one body and one lid (choose one of the designs). 0.2 or 0.15mm layer height should work fine. 25 % infill is fine. PETG/ABS recommended (temperature resistance) Assembly: See pictures Winding the torroid: 2 bi-filar (twisted) primary windings and 8 + 8 secondary (1:64 transformer) For more on the winding and theory of end fed half wave antennas see here: https://www.nonstopsystems.com/radio/frank_radio_antenna_multiband_end-fed.htm






