Record Keepers

Record Keepers


This is Record Keepers! the new easy way to show off your favorite records WITHOUT FRAMES! You can even display Bi/Tri fold records with EASE! No more messing around hanging your vinyl where you cant get it down and play it! No more glass frames! Setup in Minutes! Works with both 45's and 33's! Also works with CD jewel cases! Also included is the Bobbin which can be used with the same nail to display your favorite vinyl disks without cases, so that they dont touch up against the wall! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INSTRUCTIONS One regular 3D 1 1/4" finish nail goes through the middle hole of both the disk and corresponding bracket (found at any hardware store) the top disk rotates to allow the open segment to line up with the segments of the bracket, and releases the record! Use the Cross Bracket and disk Use the T Bracket and T Disk for Unfolded records (bi/trifold) To mount to the wall: 1 Drive the nail through the disk and bracket till it just pokes out the other side 2 Hold an album against the wall where you want it to go, and fit the assembly on one corner, and then gently tap the nail ALMOST all the way in 3 Repeat on all corners and and continue to assemble your wall! DO NOT DRIVE THE NAIL ALL THE WAY IN the nail is the pivot for the disk to rotate freely if the nail has trouble fitting through the disk or bracket, mount the nail to a drill, and use the spinning nail to ream out the hole to proper size, the disk should be loose and the bracket should be tight ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go ahead and make an entire wall of the best album art you can find! if you would like me to design a bracket for going around corners on walls let me know! that will probably






