Ruger 10/22 Mag Block
This is a device for the Ruger 10/22 rifle that keeps the bolt locked back during storage. **This is not a chamber flag. It does not have the ability to detect if a round is in the chamber. I AM MAKING ABSOLUTELY NO SAFETY GUARANTEE FOR THIS DEVICE.** **Please ALWAYS follow the 4 universal rules of firearm safety:** **1. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR FIREARM POINTED IN A SAFE DIRECTION.** **2. TREAT ALL FIREARMS AS IF THEY WERE LOADED.** **3. KEEP YOUR TRIGGER FINGER OUTSIDE THE GUARD AND OFF OF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOU ARE READY TO FIRE.** **4. BE CERTAIN OF YOUR TARGET, YOUR LINE OF FIRE, AND WHAT LIES BEYOND YOUR TARGET.** This device locks snuggly into the magazine well of the Ruger 10/22. When inserted, the bolt is prevented from moving forward. There is also a recess in the front of the device to prevent contact with a live round -- in the case where someone forgets to remove a live round from the chamber, the forward recess should hopefully prevent any crimping of the rim and prevent detonation of the round. **NEVERTHELESS, PLEASE ENSURE THERE IS NOT A ROUND IN THE CHAMBER WHEN INSERTING THIS DEVICE.** I made this device as an additional failsafe to prevent accidental discharge during storage. Since the bolt is not able to move forward when the device is installed, I feel more confident that the rifle is completely safe. Installing the device before storage also helps me to develop good clearing habits -- since I always install the device before storing the rifle, I am also always reminded to clear/check the chamber before storage. This device helps me strengthen my own personal safety habits. If you have any constructive comments or suggestions, please let me know. I have designed this device to fit my standard 10/22 rifle, so the dimensions may need some tweaking before the device fits in other rifles. I am not sure if this will fit the Ruger 10/22 Takedown models.