NTP LED clock based on a kit pcb

NTP LED clock based on a kit pcb


Update: endcap with passtrough hole and cap for programming/powering using the USB port improved endcap V2, holding the power socket and a tactile switch This thing is my take on making a good looking clock from a premade internet NTP clock pcb and YT statistics counter. (ESP8266 based NTP clock with YouTube statistics display). Married with the lovely Hammond case 1455N1602/1455N1602. The kit pcb sold by a nice guy Adrian. For the primary sources look on his website and github archive https://www.adrian-smith31.co.uk/blog/2021/03/esp8266-based-ntp-clock-with-youtube-statistics-display/ Provided files attached as well. I will cover only the part making it a clock. https://www.adrian-smith31.co.uk/blog/2021/04/ntp-clock-only-version-of-my-esp8266-based-display/ As of writing it grabs the time stamp from a public ntp time server. If it urges You to make your own pcb, just take the Gerber files or ask Adrian for the KiCad files they are based on. The pcb design file (Sprint Layout) made after the Gerber files and redacted by me , Do NOT SEND TO MANUFACTURER It needs to be changed further in order to accomodate the newer 0.9 inch row distance modules.






