Basic Nextion Screen Case (NX3224T024_011)

Basic Nextion Screen Case (NX3224T024_011)


For the NX3224T024_011 (2.4 Basic Nextion) **Important notes** --The project I meant this for did not need both Tx and Rx from the Nextion. If you want to wire 3 buttons, and the entire Nextion, you cannot do it with the 6 pin JST connector this was intended for, unless you find something else that works. --There are no standoffs or anything for the buttons or screen. I hot glued the buttons in while putting a small dab on the corners of the Nextion PCB. --I had a tight fit for the Nextion and sanded a little bit of the case wall. ________________________________________________________________________ General settings: I used generic PLA settings for the Ender 3 Pro and it turned out just fine. Nothing too crazy! Supports: To maximize the quality of the face, print screen side up with supports (this is how I did it), otherwise however you feel is ok! Raft: Not needed unless you want to anchor the supports if you print that way :)






