Operation Wolf Assault Weapon - Gun Shell- for GUN4IR

Operation Wolf Assault Weapon - Gun Shell- for GUN4IR


This gun shell is a replica from the Operation Wolf Arcade game. It is assembled much like it's sheet metal and steel father, but designed to be 3dprinted and hand held. Mounting points inside for a recoil solenoid, and Arduino Micro. Barrel inner diameter is just right to snugly fit a IR camera sensor from DFRobot.. Do not sustain a lethal injury, always wear protection and be mindful of hot surfaces! \\\CHANGE-LOG\\\ *** Added a pretty detailed assembly guide pdf. Updated BOM file. 6\20\21 PARTS REMOVED: 0 PARTS UPDATED: 1 BOM text file PARTS ADDED: 1 lgs_assy_guide.pdf (Includes BOM) *** 6\16\21 Enlarged arduino mount spacers. PARTS REMOVED: 0 PARTS UPDATED: arduino_mount PARTS ADDED: 0 *** 6\15\21 split_main_body_R2: Corrected minor geometry error. PARTS REMOVED: 0 PARTS UPDATED: split_main_body_R2 PARTS ADDED: 0 *** 6\13\21 split_main_body_R1: Corrected minor geometry error. trig_mech_1: added more adjustment space for screws. PARTS REMOVED: 0 PARTS UPDATED: trig_mech_1, split_main_body_R1 PARTS ADDED: 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: 1. BOM TXT file for links to all products used is currently missing a few items and "WIP", will update at a future date. 2.This is only the Gun Shell. For electronics system information please see the official GUN4IR project page for further details. LINK: https://github.com/JayBee-git/GUN4IR and http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,161189.msg1697808.html#msg1697808







Video Games