Qidi Xpro Vortex Fan Duct, easy print
I printed a few of the other vortex fan mods for the qidi xpro. I found things id like to change in each design. I made this to print flat and be modular. I printed in abs and its been great. If you have PETG, that may be better. I havent printed petg on this printer, only abs and pla. This uses M3 screws to attach to the carriage. I redesigned the other xpro vortex fans so this could print flat with little to no supports. You are also able to change nozzles without having to disassemble the fan assembly. The door will fully open while this is in the far corner. You may have to center this during assembly. if you have it too far to the side, the heated nozzle can melt the duct. Link below for a M3 screw kit that has the necessary screws and nuts. I've been running this for four months without issue. You will need to remove the fan bracket that is on the side of the carriage. This duct replaces the need for that. As i am typing this, I realized I modified the piece the fan itself connects to. Do not push it in too far, or the duct will stop the blades from spinning. I had dremeled down the duct to test a smaller size, and forgot to update the file. I will update if there is interest. m3x30 for posts (4x) m3x14 for bottom (4x) m3x10 for side (1x) This amazon kit has all the necessary screws and nuts. https://www.amazon.com/iExcell-Thread-Socket-Button-Assortment/dp/B08JG72119/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=b08jg72119&qid=1623336246&sr=8-1 remixed from these designs: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4697017 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3715393 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2847428 side notes: * I modified the posts since I printed mine. I had the height as the exact height of the carriage. I removed 1mm from these files so you can tighten them down more. I also added a cutout for the nuts so the screw sizes in the kit below are all you need. * make sure you aren't filling the interior of the fan duct before you print. potential upgrades: * id like to make the left and right feet have a corner lip so they hold onto the corner of the carriage. This would prevent the assembly from moving left to right. * currently, the left post is dead on and touches the door when a print begins. This was so it would push the carriage into alignment and keep the nozzles centered. I had not edited this after my initial testing. It works, so I didnt make the next revision as planned. * let me know if you have any ideas on how to improve it.