Aluminium Foil Stove Cutter
# Aluminium Foil Gas Stove Cutter by IOIO72 aka Tamio Patrick Honma ( This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. ## Description To protect your gas stove from dirt, you can use aluminum foil. Now you can cut out the circles for the burners with the aluminum foil gas stove cutter without any problems. ## Customizer As the gas stoves are different, you can use the customizer to use the diameters of your individual burners. ### Use OpenSCAD As the Thingiverse customizer has some issues. It's better to use OpenSCAD instead. 1. **Download and install:** [OpenSCAD]( version 2021.01 or newer 2. **Download:** The *.scad file of this model. 3. **Start** OpenSCAD and **open** the *.scad file in it. 4. **Open the customizer** via the menu "Window/Customizer" Now you can configure the model. #### Export your STL file If you're done with your model settings, you can export the STL file: 1. Render the mesh by pressing the `F6` key. 2. Wait until the rendering is finished. This might take some minutes. 3. Export the STL file by pressing the `F7` key. #### Optionally save your configuration If you like to use your configuration as a template for further models, it's a good idea, to save your configuration: 1. Click the `+` symbol in the customizer, which you find beside the configuration selector drop-down in the second line of the customizer. 2. Give your configuration a name. Use the drop-down menu to access your saved configurations.