Beach chair

Beach chair


I've designed this foldable beach chair for those who want to make an affordable chair with limited tools. The chair exists out of 20 printed pieces, eight broomsticks, and a sail. The total printing time is about 45 hours at .25mm layer height. Have a nice build and enjoy the sun! If you have any questions feel free to contact me! Materials: 8x broomsticks 23mm diameter 1400mm long 4x M6 40mm hex bolts 4x RAMPA nuts M6 inner and M11 outer diameter 1x sail or another type of fabric PLA, ASA, or ABS filament depending on usage and budget. I would recommend ASA because it's stronger, easy to print, and UV resistant. In case you live in a hotter climate the PLA might bend while you are sunbathing. However, I haven't experienced it in Belgium even after extensive use. Tools: You'll need a saw to cut the beams, a hand drill or drill press, and a screw driver. 1x 11mm wood drill bit 1x 6mm wood drill bit The exact measurements for the cutlist of the broomsticks will be added within this week, however I don't have access to them yet.



