Anet A8 Plus Y Axis Rod Mounts

Anet A8 Plus Y Axis Rod Mounts


The 3D printed Y axis rod mounts that came with my Anet A8 Plus were absolute garbage quality and completely unusable. Anet had a model for them on their site, but their model, which appears to be the same as what the shipped ones were printed from which are bad, weak at the top. I modeled these from measurements I took from the defective parts, but gave them fully rounded tops for better strength, and corrected the depth for the rods so that they'd butt solid and evenly, end to end. Printing my own parts gives me the added benefit of color matching the rest of the 3D printed modifications to the printer. The model comes in two pieces. Part A is the standard mount that is to be printed 3 times, and part B is the mount to which the Y end stop is to be attached.



