Graphics Card (GPU) Stand/Holder for Display

Graphics Card (GPU) Stand/Holder for Display


###GPU display stand purely for display purposes, to display your old gpu on a nice stand. Made some changes to the original, no supports needed, made the bracket easier to print and a lot stronger, also made it printable on printers with a smaller print bed. The parts are friction fitted together. **Parts:** 1. GPU_display_stand_base The base of the stand. 30% infill. 2. GPU_display_stand_bracket_pillar Vertical pillars for the bracket, 2 of this is needed. Might need to sand the ends down a little depending on your print tolerances. 80% infill. 3. GPU_display_stand_bracket_cap The top of the bracket, use 2 M3 screws to screw your gpu to the stand. 30% infill. 4. GPU_display_stand_support Optional support for bigger gpu's (although you'll probably need it for 3 slot cards), makes it more stable and prevents sagging. I used 80% infill for the overhang parts and 30% for the rest. If you can't set infill for specific regions, 60% infill.






