Set of 3 Spinning Tops

Set of 3 Spinning Tops


###Not to be Sold **I'm sharing my files so that you can make them for yourselves or give them away as gifts. I hope you enjoy them. I do not authorize sale of my work by anyone. Please don't ask me.** ###Summary The designs of these tops creates interesting patterns as they spin. Those patterns change based on the speed of the top and the angle you look at them. Try swapping colors during the print to bring out the patterns in the tops (see photos of the 6-point top in rainbow colors). I've been designing and printing tops for the last 6 months. I've created dozens of designs and probably printed close to 100 tops. These three are my favorite models. I've included files with and without built-in supports. I find they print easily and separate cleanly using the supports, but different slicers, printers and print settings may produce different results. I published the New 6-point open lattice top before as [Ultimate Open Lattice Top 2]( The other two tops are updated versions of other tops I've published.







Toys & Games