1980's GIJOE RAH Cobra Thunder Machine Door

1980's GIJOE RAH Cobra Thunder Machine Door


MARS Industries is proud to present a new after market (1986) DREADNOK THUNDER MACHINE door panel replacement. Thunder Machines take a "licken" but keep on ticking. But they do need replacement parts. You need to print a panel. You may need to reverse the print if you need the other side. Then you print two clips (fill 100%) and gently press them on. You may have to sand them little depending on your machines variance in printing. Then glue the hooks to the panel in the zone areas. Enjoy. Please feel free to contribute to the GI Joe community by designs. We are so under represented in the 3D prints that are available. Also be sure to join the Joe Group here: https://www.thingiverse.com/groups/gi-joe-library-of-prints If you like what I do and want to support my hobby, tips are appreciated. Or any joe parts you may want to donate for the cause.



