Pokeball - weighted, opening, light up button
There are several pokeball models out there, but none has all the features that I wanted so I made my own. Features on this one include: -A clamshell opening with a hidden hinge. I used a barrel hinge to keep the ball as spherical as possible. -Magnets that would keep the halves closed. I had 6mm magnets on hand, so I used those. -A 16mm light up metallic “elevator” button. -A spot for weights to add some heft to the finished product- I wanted this to be satisfying to hold. I included cut out on the top and bottom for 1 1/8” hexnuts that I bought from the home center. With one in, the ball weights 155g/5.5oz and with two it weighs 205g/7.25oz. -As hidden a seam as possible – I added a lip on the bottom half of the ball for the seam to tuck behind Other components used: -8mm Barrel hinge -6mm x 2mm circular magnets -Button: 16mm rugged LED pushbutton with on/off (or “latching”), I used the red LED version -Up to 1 1/8” Hex nuts – nothing special about this size, it was just the best weight/cost ratio at my local hardware store. Edit #1, 2021 06 20: It was asked for me to list where you can buy these products. Here are some links, but please note that the prices on these change often, so be sure to shop around. If any of these links go dead in the future, the above description of parts are what you'll need to search for to find the right items. These links are not the only place to get them. Light up elevator button, 16mm, latching: https://www.adafruit.com/product/916 6mm x2mm magnets: https://www.amazon.com/Refrigerator-Projects-Whiteboards-Strongest-Available/dp/B07CVPC3YJ/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=6mmx2mm+magnet&qid=1624894277&sr=8-7 8mm Barrel Hinge: https://www.amazon.com/FTVOGUE-Hidden-Furniture-Concealed-Opening/dp/B07K446YZZ/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=8mm+barrel+hinge&qid=1624894338&s=hi&sr=1-5 Hexnut: If you have a Home Depot near you, the code for the hexnut I used is “BDK” Edit #2, 2021 07 01: I've added the wiring diagram for the button.