Blank Power Wheels Hall Effect Foot Pedal Throttle

Blank Power Wheels Hall Effect Foot Pedal Throttle


PLEASE READ THIS ALL! So when trying to hook up a hall effect pedal (the 3 wire ones for motor controllers) to my boomerang Power Wheels ride on there was no pretty way to do it so I tried to design my own I'm not sure if the plate is a "universal" plate but I'm fairly certain a lot of Power Wheels use the same size plates for their pedal mounts Now full disclosure, the design as it stand didn't work because I was using such a big pedal with a lot of spring to it and the tabs didn't hold and just snapped off. I ended up just drilling holes in the thing and just zip tie it up Now there's a few files in here 1.) Blank - 100% blank pedal, this would be good to make your own design 2.) Small hall effect pedal. Example: ) 3.) Small hall effect pedal w zip tie slots added 4.) Large Hall Effect Pedal (Like the one in the photos) 5.) Large Hall Effect Pedal w zip tie slots added IMPORTANT: I really don't know if the zip tie slots even work but I remember wishing I had something to secure the plate to the body with the huge pedal so I figured I'd throw some slots in to save people the time The picture of the "blank" pedal; yes my bed was disgustingly filthy, It was just a fast test print. not my cleanest work... Feel free to remix as needed, non-commercial and as always: PLEASE SHARE ANY MAKES - I find it the COOLEST THING and so rewarding seeing what other print with my designs






