Spectrum analyzer visualizer and amplifier MAX7219 32x8 LED

Spectrum analyzer visualizer and amplifier MAX7219 32x8 LED


Case for project of audio spectrum visualiser and analyzer with arduino uno board. Attention ------------ Use arduino uno (any clone). There was a problem with arduin nano that could not be filtered out. I only tried the nano clone, it is possible that with the original nano it would work properly. There are enough places in the box for Arduino UNO, so I would recommend using UNO! Or test functionality before installation. circuit scheme and code -------------------------------- https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub/shajeeb/32-band-audio-spectrum-visualizer-analyzer-902f51 front side ------------ - matrix display 32x8 LED MAX7219 - volume button top side ----------- - any panel button back side ------------ - jack 3.5mm socket - 12VDC power connector socket - any audio repro socket inside -------- - arduino uno - audio amplifier module Yamaha YDA138-E 2x12W (12V) I used old linear regulator (voltage stabizer) with little heat sink. Output voltage is connected to arduino VIN. Power loss is about 2W (Input 12V, output 6V; 6V×300mA=1,8W). My cheap arduino clone is too hot if it connect to 12V directly through co-axial power connector. Tip for repro case: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4750820 bigger version ------------------- 2021-07-22: was added bigger version for bigger amplifier module HX-M189 (2x50W)






