3D Printed Curing Box for Resin prints

3D Printed Curing Box for Resin prints


Curing box made cheap and simple :) I designed a cheap and nice looking curing box :) What you need: 3D Printed Parts 4 Pieces of hardboard wood 155x258x2,5mm UV Light: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B083ZFH24H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Aluminium Foil Optional: Turntable (see link above) White Paint outer side (just looks) I Printed out the rails sepperatly because my printer only supports 200mm in height, but i also uploaded a combined file for those with a bigger printer in height, you need at least 235 to print it at one piece. After printing, i cut the hardboard pieces, used glue spray to apply the aluminium foil (shiny side outside) and spray painted them white for looks on the outside. After that was done, i glued the 4 rails with "second glue" or some kind of plastic glue onto the Base, that means if you did not print it as a whole part (Bottom + Rails combined). Then slide in the hardboard pieces and glue on the top part to the raills. The adapter is fitted to the UV light i purchased (see link) but you can modifiy it easily for different sizes.



