ButterSmoo Mount for BetaFPV SMO Camera and QAV-S Frame
Update: The mount has had multiple crashes now and it cleanly rips of the top part which saves the camera and your quad. I added just the top part as additional printable so you can make replacements. Super easy to fix even at the field. ButterSmoo Camera Mount for the BetaFPV SMO 4K Camera and GetFPV's QAV-S Frames. Should fit all iterations of the QAV-S Frames. I went through many iterations to finally find the right amount of compression and remove most of the Jello. The video is already almost jitter and jello free but I still run it through FlowState. Video with FlowState and ButterSmoo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4VihZxaiJQ Video without FlowState and ButterSmoo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJg3uMFxwZg Parts needed: 3x 6mm anti vibration rubber balls: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082ZP4JW6 3x 10mm M3 screws and nuts. included 3x 1.5mm printable compression rings in the build that create the perfect compression when the screw is flush with the nut. You need to use some force to connect the screw with the nut. Get a set like this: https://www.amazon.com/HELIFOUNER-Pieces-Countersunk-Washers-Assortment/dp/B08LKTJF2K I recommend these M2 screws to mount the SMO Camera. They work very well and can be tighten nicely. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YS5CQQM