Electric fence spacer

Electric fence spacer


I put an electric fence around my wife's vegetable garden, to keep the ornery no good varmint critters out of it. But they're clever. Too clever and too small for just a bunch of parallel wires. I use 6" wide strips of ½" wire mesh, alternating between high-voltage and ground strips. They can't jump through it or squeeze under it. They have to climb it, and there's little chance they can make it over without taking a hit. Eat our vegetables, will you? That oughta learn ya, ya stupid, good for nothin’ flea-bitten varmints. Anyway, the mesh strips need a lot of firm encouragement to stay close to each other, but not touch. I made these spacer/insulators to solve the problem. The spacer is attached firmly to each mesh strip with pieces of steel utility wire (don't short the two mesh strips together, of course…)



